English has more than 170,000 vocabulary words!
What’s more surprising is that... many old ancient English words have been swept out of modern English, thus eliminating most mind-blowing words from today's modern dictionaries and leaving us with just a handful of words.
We can’t deny the fact that ancient English words are hard to master, but on the flip side, they have the potential to captivate people. Old words add energy to the mix and help in crafting a heavy-hitting context for language.
Go ahead and discover some-amazing old English words that should be revived…
Interested Read: Hard English Words You Might Be Saying Wrong!
Here is the Old English Words list…
What does it mean? To decorate something to make it more fascinating.
How to use it? The bride was wearing a magnificent bedlighted red-floral dress with enthralling pearls.
What does it mean? To Hurt someone’s reputation.
How to use it? He tried his level best to besmirch her reputation.
What does it mean? To stubbornly argue about useless things.
How to use it? Why are you both still brabbling about who left the towel wet?
What does it mean? An unworthy man with a high-standard opinion of himself.
How to use it? What a cockalorum he is! Always busy picking up faults in others but never focusing on his own!
What does it mean? A light-hearted, short, and simple song.
How to use it? The band played a breathtaking ditty about life and love.
What does it mean? Dry mouth (lack of saliva)
How to use it? Xerostomia is killing his taste buds!
What does it mean? To stay awake until dawn because of anxiousness
How to use it? Whenever John suffers from uhtceare, he keeps on lying on his bed wondering about his past.
What does it mean? Depression
How to use it? That poor girl suffering from woofits is going to crash her car one day!
What does it mean? To talk in an idly way.
How to use it? Can you please stop twattling and jump right to the point?
What does it mean? The person who always expects others to buy him a drink and never buys one for himself/herself.
How to use it? I’ve not seen a snecklifter like Lina. She keeps visiting the pub but never buys a drink!
What does it mean? Having a hangover without realizing it.
How to use it? He fell off the bike yesterday when he was Philogroblized.
What does it mean? Someone who conveniently shows up without a wallet.
How to use it? When will you stop being a Lanspresado? You make me pay every time we visit this store.
What does it mean? Committed; faithful; hardworking
How to use it? Rina has been a stalwart follower of her religious campaigns.
What does it mean? A person with whom nobody wants to talk because of his sinful history.
How to use it? He has done nothing, but still, everybody treats him like he is a leper juice.
What does it mean? Majestic or unparalleled
How to use it? The most sublime act is to help others.
What does it mean? Gloomy or dark
How to use it? Why is he always in a somber mood?
What does it mean? An energetic character who is full of life.
How to use it? Lina, the vivacious little girl, is always ready to go out for a ride!
What does it mean? Showing majestic spirit.
How to use it? Despite what she did to him last year, Oliver was still magnanimous enough to forgive her.
What does it mean? Unhealthy or pale complexion
How to use it? His boney and sallow face is reflecting how much pain has this disease caused him.
What does it mean? A strong desire to stay in bed.
How to use it? You are always on time! It seems like you never suffer from clinomania.
What does it mean? Abusive words
How to use it? Throwing billingsgate out of his mouth has become his daily ritual!
What does it mean? To confuse things
How to use it? Statistics have always succeeded in jargogling me.
What does it mean? A state of sleepiness.
How to use it? Olivia lay slooming wondering when the guests will leave.
What does it mean? The state of being tired
What does it mean? To lie in a relaxing position
How to use it? After years of her daughter’s death, finally, her mother had the privilege to see him grufeling like this!
What does it mean? Earth/ground
What does it mean? Woman
How to use it? The alluring Ides was walking down the stage like a majestic queen!
What does it mean? Heaven
How to use it? This place looks like Neorxnawang!
What does it mean? Air; Cloud; Wind
What does it mean? Soul
How to use it? His sawol was calling out for help, but he was too busy to respond back.
What does it mean? Feeling of strong affection; Love
What does it mean? Proud
What does it mean? Produce
What does it mean? To cry out for help
What does it mean? To feel sad or to mourn.
What does it mean? Experience something unpleasant or bad; to suffer
What does it mean? To start something; to begin
What does it mean? To have a desire to get something; to want
What does it mean? To be afraid of something horrible or a terrible human being; to fear
What does it mean? To struggle incredibly hard to achieve something
What does it mean? To hurt or harm
How to use it?
What does it mean? Unambiguous; straight; simple
How to use it? Her ideas are impressive and Baldlice.
What does it mean? Something that no longer exists; old
What does it mean? Awe-inspiring; Beautiful; Attractive
How to use it? Her enthralling crown was embellished with Fæger pearls.
What does it mean? Illuminating; Bright; Clear
How to use it? Tonight, the beorht moon is illuminating like never before.
What does it mean? Precise; Perfect; Correct
How to use it? She wasn’t certain whether she heard him aright or not.
What does it mean? Disgraceful; Wicked; dishonorable
How to use it? Her arleas manager is going to throw him out of his office.
What does it mean? A person or group willing to harm someone or a nation; Enemy.
How to use it? You must always be ready to fight the andasca!
What does it mean? An ancient word used for a child.
How to use it? Such a nice bearn!
What does it mean? Overflow; Be full with
How to use it? Joe’s eyes brimmed with tears.
What does it mean? Spirit of evil; Devil
How to use it? Stop arguing! You sound like a Deofol!
What does it mean? To act as if one is busy doing something but in reality he/she is doing nothing.
How to use it? The director was just fudgeling with his laptop and didn’t complete the task.
What does it mean? Old; ancient
How to use it? There are chances that the erstwhile workers would become managers one day.
What does it mean? Chaotic; Disorderly; Confused
How to use it? Why is there such a hugger-mugger about this idea?
What does it mean? An incorrect perception or viewpoint of something
How to use it? Devils aren’t real! It's just a mumpsimus.
What does it mean? To search for something blindly in the dark; to grope
How to use it? Don’t grubble! You’ll find the torch on the kitchen table.
What does it mean? Imaginary illness
How to use it? He always keeps on complaining about his hum durgeon.
What does it mean? To make money in any possible way!
How to use it? Never become quomodocunquize! It's like shaking hands with the devil!
What does it mean? Fate; destiny
How to use it? You can’t beat your “wyrd”! It's destined to win!
What does it mean? Horse
How to use it? Can you sell me your brown capul?
What does it mean? To make grunting sounds while sleeping; snoring
How to use it? God! He is a Rowtyng monster!
What does it mean? A bag to carry things.
How to use it? You can put your poke on that red table.
What does it mean? To murmur a complain
How to use it? Alexander offered a Grucche in the middle of the speech which no one noticed.
What does it mean? To curse someone or something
How to use it? The witch shouted, “I bishrewe your face”.
What does it mean? To spoil reputation; to destroy
How to use it? He is always ready to Shende his friend’s reputation.
What does it mean? To increase or to grow
How to use it? The company’s new invention is going to waxen its profits!
What does it mean? To lose health
How to use it? He was almost pyned to death.
What does it mean? A vision that’s far away from reality; a dream
How to use it? He went into the grave for the night prayer to enjoy the deep swevene state.
What does it mean? Pure and clean
How to use it? His beliefs are pure and clennesse.
What does it mean? To suppress
How to use it? Society quelled her voice by killing her.
What does it mean? To boil
How to use it? She seethed on his friend’s success.
What does it mean? The front side of the throat; neck
How to use it? Why does his Hals look swollen?
What does it mean? Any person’s manner or looks
How to use it? Nobody could tell from her mien that she was offended.
What does it mean? Satisfy; to provide relief
How to use it? Sounds like, his struggle to assuage his guilt won’t end.
What does it mean? To sharpen the something
How to use it? This book will whet your appetite for more of J.K Rowling’s work.
What does it mean? A soldier whose duty is to stand and watch
How to use it? Around 60 sentinels were appointed to guard the president's house.
What does it mean? Superior; master
How to use it? He was the king’s one of the most loyal lieges, God knows how he died.
What does it mean? To move rapidly or fast
How to use it? Unfortunately, the new law will hasten the loss of many factories.
What does it mean? To add energy to something; to give life to
How to use it? Her presence always quykens the environment.
What does it mean? A leader
How to use it? She has been at the helm for three years.
What does it mean? Extreme danger; Risk
How to use it? The president announced that their country is ina a grave peril this year!
What does it mean? A strong wall for protection against enemies.
How to use it? It took nine days for the army to break this giant bulwark!
What does it mean? Without any hope.
How to use it? Her life ended in a dire poverty.
What does it mean? A huge gathering of people
How to use it? I couldn’t find a single wise man in the throng.
What does it mean? Heaviness
How to use it? The hevynesse in his heart fed away on seeing his mother.
What does it mean? Distrust
What does it mean? Foolish
How to use it? Don’t you call my father a volage ever again!
What does it mean? Short and sweet songs to send babies to sleep; short lullabies
How to use it? Her mother kept on singing the old dillydoun to her child for around 2 hours. But still, she couldn’t sleep.
What does it mean? Constantly Hungry
How to use it? Don’t think of ordering a pizza! You’ve already had your dinner. Stop being a famelicose!
What does it mean? A stupid or a fool person
How to use it? Olivia thinks cartoons live far away on another planet, what a fodoodle she is!
What does it mean? Beautiful from the outside, but ugly from the inside.
How to use it? The coins he snatched from the woman were trumpery, looking as if they were real but in reality, they were fake.
What does it mean? Panic Attacks.
How to use it? Since he is suffering from Egrophobia, he rarely steps out of his house.