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What IGCSE Subjects Are Needed for Computer Science?

What IGCSE Subjects Are Needed for Computer Science

I remember the excitement and confusion I felt when I first considered pursuing Computer Science. The possibilities seemed endless, but so did the choices. 

I was asking myself a lot of questions, like:

What subjects should I focus on? What would set me up for success in this ever-evolving field? Is this the right choice or not?

If you're a student grappling with these questions, you're not alone. Like I steered my way through CS with an exceptional A grade, you will, too.

In this blog, I'll guide you through the important IGCSE subjects needed for a solid foundation in Computer Science, so that you can learn the subject having a strong foundational knowledge. 


Mathematics is the bedrock of Computer Science. When I first started coding, I quickly realized that a strong hold of mathematical concepts was needed for me to perform well in my projects. From algorithms to data structures, math is intertwined with every aspect of programming. Math is not just about numbers; it’s about developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are the two most needed skills. 

So, make sure you pay close attention in your math classes. Some of the key topics included in the IGCSE Math course are:

Algebra: Equations, inequalities, and polynomials.

Geometry: Shapes, sizes, and the properties of space.

Trigonometry: Relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.

Probability: Assessing the likelihood of events.

Number Theory: Properties and relationships of numbers.

Functions: Quadratics equations, graphs, indices, surds.

Analytical Geometry: Cartesian coordinates.

Statistics: Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.

Additional Mathematics

Taking Additional Mathematics is like leveling up in a video game. It’s challenging but gratifying (only if you are a Math lover). If you are someone who hates math, then it might not be your cup of tea. 

Additional Math is one step ahead of algebra, calculus, and more advanced topics. I remember struggling with some of these concepts, but the perseverance paid off when I could apply these principles to solve complex coding problems. If you’re serious about Computer Science, don’t shy away from this subject.

Key topics included in IGCSE A-Math:

Algebra: Quadratic equations, inequalities, polynomials, logs and graphs.

Binomial Theorem: Algebraic expression of the power of binomials.

Integration: Continous analog of sum, used to calculate areas and volumes. 

Matrices: Rectangular array of numbers, systems or expressions. 

Vectors: Quantities that cannot be expressed as numbers.

Derivatives: Change of a function’s output according to the input.


You might wonder, why Physics? Well, Physics teaches you how to sharpen your analytical thinking capabilities and understand complex systems—skills that are directly transferable to Computer Science. If you generally want to expand your knowledge and boost your analytical thinking skills, then physics is a good option for you.

I found that my experience with Physics helped me understand how computers interact with the physical world, especially in fields like robotics and hardware design. If I had not taken it, I would have fallen behind my peers. 

In IGCSE Physics, these are the topics you will cover: 

Mechanics: Motion, forces, and energy.

Electricity and Magnetism: Circuits, electromagnetism, and electrical components.

Waves: Sound, light, and electromagnetic waves.

Thermodynamics: Heat, energy, and work.

Modern Physics: Quantum mechanics and relativity.

Liquids and Gases: Density and pressure; solids, liquids, and gases.

Nuclear Physics: Atoms and Radioactivity, radiation, and half-life, applications of Radioactivity, and particles.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

ICT was my first formal introduction to the digital world. It covers the basics of computers and networks, which is essential knowledge for any aspiring computer scientist. This subject generally improves the IT literacy of students if they do not have any prior knowledge of CS. 

It laid the foundation for my understanding of software applications, databases, and even a bit of programming. So, it’s a great starting point for anyone interested in this field. Some topics covered in the ICT IGCSE course are:

Computer Systems: Hardware and software components.

Networks: Types of networks, protocols, and security.

Data Management: Databases and data handling.

Digital Communication: Email, the Internet, and social media.

Programming Basics: Simple coding and problem-solving.


Statistics has been an important subject in the modern day of technology. Even in Computer Science, understanding and managing large amounts of data is a crucial component. Statistics helps students design experiments and equips them with data visualization techniques

During my coursework, I often found myself relying on statistical methods to analyze data sets and validate my algorithms. All in all, it helped me develop a keen eye for detail and accuracy, which would not have been possible without taking this course. 

Descriptive Statistics: Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.

Probability: Probability distributions and events.

Inferential Statistics: Sampling, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals.

Regression Analysis: Relationships between variables.

Data Interpretation: Graphs and charts.


Calculus is another vital part of the mathematical toolkit for Computer Science. It’s heavily used in fields like machine learning, computer graphics, and optimization problems. As we know, there are two parts of a calculus course, integral calculus and differential calculus. These two topics will be beneficial for calculating the rate of change, a significant part of algorithms and programs. 

During my IGCSE journey, I understood how derivatives could be used to optimize code performance and it was a game-changer for me. Let’s have a look at some of the calculus topics: 

Limits: Understanding the behavior of functions.

Differentiation: Rates of change and slopes of curves.

Integration: Area under curves and accumulation functions.

Differential Equations: Solving equations involving derivatives.

Series: Summation of sequences and their applications.


At first glance, Chemistry might not seem directly related to Computer Science, but it teaches you precise and methodical thinking. I took Chemistry to broaden my scientific knowledge, and it surprisingly came in handy, especially in fields like computational biology and materials science. It’s also useful if you’re interested in hardware and semiconductor research.

Following are some of the topics you will study in chemistry:

Atomic Structure: Elements, isotopes, and periodicity.

Chemical Bonding: Ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.

Stoichiometry: Chemical reactions and calculations.

Thermodynamics: Energy changes in reactions.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and reactions of organic compounds.

Any Other Subject You’re Interested In

Never underestimate the value of pursuing subjects you’re passionate about, even if they don’t seem directly related to Computer Science. For me, English literature was an unexpected ally. It improved my communication skills, which are essential for teamwork and explaining complex ideas clearly. So, don’t be afraid to explore your interests—they might just give you a unique edge.

I have listed down some subjects out of which you can choose:

Economics: Understanding market dynamics and financial models is valuable. Topics like supply and demand, game theory, and econometrics can help you understand complex systems and optimize algorithms.

Business Studies: Gain insights into management, entrepreneurship, and organizational behavior. Learning about project management, marketing, and business ethics can be useful when working in tech startups or leading projects.

Art and Design: Explore creativity, which can be particularly useful in UI/UX design and multimedia applications. Courses on graphic design, color theory, and digital media can enhance your ability to create intuitive and appealing interfaces.

Geography: Learn about spatial data, which is important in fields like GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Topics like cartography, environmental science, and data analysis can help you work with geographic data in various applications.

Biology: Get into computational biology or bioinformatics. Subjects like genetics, molecular biology, and ecology can give you a foundation for understanding biological data and developing algorithms for bioinformatics applications.

Psychology: Understand human behavior, which is valuable in developing user-centered software. Courses on cognitive psychology, behavioral psychology, and human-computer interaction can help you design software that meets users' needs effectively.

So, don’t be afraid to explore your interests—they might just give you a unique edge.

How Does MTS Help You Ace Your Computer Science Goals?

MTS is a leading educational platform you can choose to improve your IGCSE scores. If you want to pursue Computer Science, you can easily find a Computer Science teacher who will help you understand complex topics and clear your doubts, if any. 

There are other esteemed IGCSE tutors from all over the world who will be your guides throughout your IGCSE career. So, book a session with them and start your preparation today without any delay. 

To Conclude

Choosing the right IGCSE subjects is a significant step towards a successful career in Computer Science. While the subjects listed above provide a solid foundation, remember that passion and curiosity are your best guides. 

Select the subjects you love, and don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Your future in Computer Science is bright, and with the right preparation, you’ll be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

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With over 3 years of experience in teaching, Chloe is very deeply connected with the topics that talk about the educational and general aspects of a student's life. Her writing has been very helpful for students to gain a better understanding of their academics and personal well-being. I’m also open to any suggestions that you might have! Please reach out to me at chloedaniel402 [at]