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15 Classy Alternatives for “How Are You Doing?” That Sound Smart!

how are you doing

“How are you doing”

is a common phrase people use daily. But did you know that there are numerous other ways to say, “how are you doing?”

English is such a cool language! Using just a few unique-spicy phrases in your conversation makes you sound like a pro-English speaker. Let’s go down and discover some words you can use instead of the not-so-smart-cool phrase “how are you doing”.

Related Reading: Alternative Ways to Say “Hope You Are Doing Well

Every phrase that can be used as an alternative to “how are you doing” has a different meaning. You can use the phrases listed below to open a conversation or inquire about another person’s feelings/health without using “how are you doing”.

Here is the list:

1. What’s up, bro?

Whats up bro

This phrase will signal to the listener that you’re very interested in knowing what is going on in his life. The word “bro” (an abbreviation for brother) also develops a strong bond between you and the listener. This one is an informal phrase. This means, saying “what’s up, bro?” to your boss is a weird idea.

2. How’re you getting on?

How’re you getting on

This one is a perfect phrase for inquiring about your friend’s life, specifically after a tragic accident in the past. If you want to get more details of how your friend is coping with his life after that, use this phrase.

3. What’s going on?

What’s going on

This one is a casual phrase. It’s often used for showing interest in the listener’s present life. You can use this phrase if you’re more likely interested in what the listener is doing in a particular situation instead of asking about his life in general.

4. How’re things going?

How’re things going

Use this phrase when you want an overview of the listener’s life. Like, his health, his job, etc.

5. You Alright?

You Alright

Whenever you would like to show your concern for your listener's health and want to make him feel special, use this phrase. It's best to use this phrase with a person suffering from a disease or feeling awkward in any situation.

6. How are you holding up?

How are you holding up

A very modern addition to the how-are-you-doing family! “How are you holding up” is an informal phrase and should only be used with close friends, family members, colleagues, etc. It’s an empathetic statement that specifically inquires about the listener’s health. Be it his physical health or mental health.

7. How do you do?

How do you do

It’s a kind of greeting. You can use it when you want to say “hello” and “how are you” at the same time. This phrase can help you open a conversation with the person you’re willing to talk to.

8. Is everything okay?