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English Proverbs and their Meanings


Communication is the key, and if you know how to communicate in the English language, the chances of your growth in professional and social circles are higher. There are so many ways to learn English to help you learn and understand this international language better. To boost your communication skills and professional career, you need to start using English phrases, sentences, or words in daily conversation. To start from the basics, make English proverbs a part of your daily speech.Because in the beginning, you might not sound fluent, but it will be full of wisdom and meanings.

There are thousands of English. American and British, Asian: China, Japan, Korea, India, and other Asian countries, Arabic, Jewish, Russian, Latin American Proverbs. It shows the world is filled with proverb examples, and every language and culture has them.

If you have no idea about Proverbs, then don’t worry your head. Because you will surely finish this blog with the complete knowledge of Proverbs so keep reading.

What are Proverbs?

Proverbs are the famous short wisdom statements filled with common sense, truth, and popular advice. Proverbs are known for stating the facts or announcing the naïve truth. This part of speech encapsulates the diversity of each culture and the common heritage of men.

Proverbs are those short and witty sentences that are often used as a bit of comedy. The witty little proverb saying comes with a history, stupid or intellectual experiences, or some fundamental truth. Some misunderstand proverbs with quotes, whereas both are entirely different. Proverbs have so many definitions to explain their exact meaning, and the exciting part of this all is that some definitions of Proverbs are the Proverbs themselves. For example, ‘proverbs are the lamp of speech,’ is the definition of a proverb, also known as an Arabic proverb. To speak a language, you must learn the meanings of words; this is the same case with proverbs in daily conversation. If you want to sound witty and intellectual, you must know the exact meaning of it too.

A proverb is a combination of words with a specific meaning. The source of proverbs is usually the people, and you need to understand proverbs, not literally since they often have a special meaning. Proverbs carry much important information and wisdom, so you need to learn proverbs to develop your knowledge. Proverbs are part of the story, and they allow you to understand the thinking of certain people. Each nation has its proverbs, and to better understand the people, it is necessary to delve into the meaning of the proverbs. The question arises as to how to learn proverbs, and the answer is quite simple. You need to learn them by heart or try to understand the thinking of a particular person to whom these proverbs belong. The peoples’ thoughts are approximately the same, and almost all have come to certain conclusions and certain wisdom. That is why one thought is expressed in different words when everyone understands what it means. You should not look for the direct meaning of a statement in proverbs, but try to read between the lines what it is about. Some proverbs arose among certain people, but some are simply translated almost literally. You can translate proverbs word for word, but you need to think like those who got this proverb to understand the meaning. If you can’t do this, then you just need to learn certain expressions and their meaning. Proverbs are not only a poetic expression of the thoughts of the people but also a storehouse of wisdom. Proverbs are easy to learn with the help of associations, comparisons, and the presence of a developed imagination. If this is the first time you come across the fact that you need to remember proverbs, you have a good opportunity to develop your imagination and memory. Often proverbs are taught when learning a foreign language, allowing you to improve your knowledge of a particular language. You should not try to learn all the proverbs at once; it is enough just to learn a few sayings every day, for example, and repeat what was taught the day before. To increase the effectiveness of the learning process, one can think about where these proverbs can be applied. In any case, it is useful to learn proverbs, especially when you are learning a foreign language, as this is additional useful knowledge.

Alina Burakova Chief Writer at Edu Reviewer

Keep reading, you will learn all the famous English Proverbs, meanings and their examples, and a lot more.

Famous Proverbs and their meanings:

Always put your best foot forward.

This English proverb is mainly used when you give another person some advice like they might be going to try something difficult for the first time and need to start from their best attitude and work or ask someone to build a good impression in front of the others. You can use this excellent proverb for yourself like you tried your best to gain someone’s attention or approval positively. For example, ‘I tried to give the right answers and put my best foot forward during my job interview.’

always put your best foot forward

All are not thieves that the dogs bark at.

It’s being observed that dogs bark at thieves mostly, maybe because they are good at sensing problems. But they are not always right as one person’s appearance can be deceptive. Neither good looks mean the person is noble or honest, nor bad looks go with sin. So to stop anyone from judging others on their appearances, you can make use of this famous proverb.

All are not thieves that the dogs bark at.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

This English proverb has a real-life example too. If you ever noticed, a tiny plant started growing on a stone when it stays in one place for a long time. But the moving stones remain bare and free. And the same is the case with people. If you see a person moving and changing places like a free bird and carrying no job responsibility, family, or friends, you can address him as a rolling stone gathers no moss.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

One of the famous Proverbs that are used by kids too. Whenever they find out that their particular friend did not show up in the time of need, they use it to criticize their absence. Other than this, it can be used to assure someone that you will be there when needed or appreciate one’s presence in a tough time. For example, ‘Dear John, I will always remember your help. A friend in need is a friend indeed.’

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk.

Sometimes people’s actions do not match with their words, and to stop anyone from taking what they can’t perform or practice in the real world, you can say, ‘don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk.’ Furthermore, you can also use ‘talk the talk, walk the walk’ when you want the other person to talk but show you the results. One of the best English proverbs to use in your conversations is to sound like a native English speaker.

Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.

All’s well that ends well.

This proverb got fame because William Shakespeare used it as one of his famous play titles. Such a simple line sums up the hurdles and problems one faces if the goal is achieved successfully. Or if a person has done or performed well through the whole work process and now they are waiting for the results, then you can encourage them by saying, ‘Don’t worry brother, all’s well that ends well.’

All's well that ends well.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

This phrase is used as a piece of advice when a person is ungrateful or unthankful towards the one who has helped in a lousy time or still helping. ‘you should not bite the hand that feeds you’ means you should not be unappreciative of the helping hand you get, this is disrespectful behavior.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill.

Some people exaggerate the tiny situations and make a big issue of it dramatically. This English proverb is to remind them to hold a breath, think for a moment. Is this all-important? Does it matter? If not.Then there’s no point in making a mountain out of an anthill. For example, ‘his mother just asks him to lower down his pitch, but he made a mountain out of an anthill.’

Don't make a mountain out of an anthill.

Easy come, easy go

This famous proverb is used chiefly after losing something that one has got easily and causes no concern. Anything that comes without struggle or hard work has more chances of vanishing quickly, and it can be fame, money, love. The more you work hard to earn something, the higher are the chances of it staying in your life. People shrug and say ‘easy come, easy go’ on what they have not worked hard to earn.

Easy come, easy go

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Everything has its pros and cons. The same is the case with negative situations that occur in our lives; they come with something good or positive thing – you have to look for it. If someone has failed at their first project, reminding them ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ will make them feel better and keep going. For example, ‘as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, if you hadn’t lost your job, you would never start your own business.’

Every cloud has a silver lining.

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.

Suppose you are a part of a discussion where everyone states facts about how everybody wants to succeed with no hard work and lack of self-discipline, wasting their precious time wishing or waiting for a miracle to happen. Then you can wrap the whole meeting up by saying, ‘you are right, all cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.’

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.

Bitter pills may have blessed effects.

People say that tough decisions are hard to make, but they end up showing great results. The same is the case with medicines; all are bitter but cure the pain. To assure yourself or the other person that taking any unpleasant or painful path or decision might help them in the long run. This proverb can be quoted as needed for time.

Bitter pills may have blessed effects.

Better late than never.

Sometimes, you need to use meaningful words to motivate yourself or your fellow to do something after procrastinating for too long. In such situations, you can say ‘better late than never. It means, starting late is better than never doing anything or taking the initiative.

Better late than never.

Close but no cigar.

This phrase is used when you or someone have almost succeeded in any game or attempt but didn’t get the actual first prize or the win. For example, if someone is close to winning, yet so far in any competition, you can express it as, ‘he tried to win the race, it was close but no cigar.’ It’s a decent way to say that they have had things right but not completely.

Close but no cigar.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

You can use this as a metaphorical proverb and saying smartly in between conversations. Just because you know what’s on the surface doesn’t mean you know all the details. In other words, it means you should not prejudge someone based on their appearance, opinions, or dress because a book with a boring cover page can be exciting or full of knowledge. There’s always a lot more if you see or give it a chance. You can make use of this famous proverb as ‘She looks very cheeky and introvert but don’t judge a book by its cover- as she is a social butterfly.’

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Fortune favors the brave.

Success demands risks, and the person who is willing to take risks gets victorious. And this English proverb, ‘fortune favors the brave,’ gives the same message. One has to make bold decisions, and fortune will reward him with success because good things come to those who struggle for it.

Fortune favors the brave.

Garbage in, garbage out.

If you make a product using poor quality material, you will get the inferior quality product, of course. In other words, you can’t expect a healthy meal prepared from inferior ingredients. Primarily this English proverb is used by computer programmers, as poorly manufactured programs turn out drastic because garbage in, garbage out, simple.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.

When people have nothing to do, they started doing things that get them in trouble. An old English proverb can use it as ‘parents should keep their kids busy all the time because idle hands are the devil’s playthings.’ The advice conveyed through this phrase is worth taking.

Idle hands are the devil's playthings.

Jack of all trades and master of none.

This phrase refers to a person who does so many things but does not excel in any of them. Mainly it is used to complement or appreciate the generalist behavior of a person. For example, ‘my brother is a jack of all traders, as he can repair machines, study in law school, knows how to cook and renovate the house.’

Jack of all trades and master of none.

Health is wealth.

This famous American Proverb is used worldwide as it is the main ingredient of a healthy and wealthy life. If a person is not wealthy but is blessed with good health, then he has an opportunity to do anything, learn a skill, or work hard to be wealthy. But if a person has wealth but not health, then it is useless. So, the bottom line is, if you want to be wealthy, then health should be your number one priority because ‘health is wealth.’

Health is wealth.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

This proverb alerts people about the situation that can make them feel sorry later. For example, it takes nothing to wear a mask or seatbelt or check the door lock before leaving home, turning off flame when kids are around. But if you will show negligence in such a simple task, bad things can happen and make you regret it forever. So it is better to be safe than sorry.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

It takes two to tango.

Some events happen in life that can’t happen alone. They need more than one person, just like it takes two to communicate or perform specific actions. Primarily this proverb is used during a quarrel when one blames everything on the other. And a fight can’t be possible without the involvement of two people or parties. Like, you will say, ‘Don’t blame her husband for the arguments, it takes two to tango. She is equally responsible.’

It takes two to tango.

Look before you leap.

The proverb ‘look before you leap’ is another way of guiding oneself to not jump to conclusions in a rush. Instead, look for all the outcomes it can bring and how the particular action or decision will help you in the long run. You can use it as ‘you have suffered a lot, I hope next time, you will look before you leap.’

Look before you leap.

Many hands make light work.

This English proverb is on the unity of people or teamwork. If many people work together to achieve one goal, then the chances of accomplishing the goal are higher and quick. The division of tasks among many hands (people) also lessens the workload.

Many hands make light work.

Practice makes perfect.

To teach others how to speak English frequently, you must have command of it. And practicing English will make you excel in this language. Nobody learns everything in one day or at once; even the experts you see today were beginners and have done hours of practice. This proverb gives the same advice that you have to practice more often if you want to be a master in anything.

Practice makes perfect.

Strike while the iron is hot.

This old English proverb is come after observing the blacksmith’s work and experience how he takes advantage of hot iron. Similarly, people should take advantage of the chance or an opportunity they get. Because once it’s gone, you might have it again. You can use this English proverb as ‘he mostly strikes while the iron is hot and gets the best.’

Strike while the iron is hot.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

This proverb teaches us to take care or keep an eye on our things because when we check other people’s lifestyles or things, we ultimately assume they are happier than us. It’s human nature that leads to jealousy. That’s why it is being said, no matter how much one is blessed, for them, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

This proverb states that one person can’t do two things together because of the nature of both works’ conflicts. So it is impossible. Better to choose one option and stay happy. And it is the exact thought behind this proverb. Otherwise, you can indeed have your cake and eat it too!

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

This old proverb is from the ancient days, and it’s a rule to visit any place. Every place has its customs and traditions, and a visitor should follow that to enjoy the trip and stay away from any trouble. Note that this proverb is not only for Romans or Rome; you can use it as, ‘people often forget to try when in Rome, do as Romans and gets in trouble while travelling.’

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

It proved with hundreds of examples that if you really want something and work for it, sooner or later, you get that! This proverb states the same meaning. You can use this to encourage yourself and others who are struggling hard to be successful. ‘There’s a way’ tells us that no matter how hard things get, there is always a solution or a way out. You always find means to get rid of a problem if you want to.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

It is one of the famous and most spoken proverbs. When a lot of people start doing one thing at a time, things get worst. Everybody has their ways of doing things, and too many opinions on one project can ruin it. If a company has more than ten decision-makers, it will surely disturb the whole management as too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

If you can’t beat them, join them.

If your opponents are too strong and you can’t defeat them, then you should move to their side or join them and learn what made them strong. This proverb can be used as a warning or a suggestion. Politicians are noticed mostly following this proverb.

If you can't beat them, join them.

Honesty is the best policy.

If you are honest, you won’t have to carry the weight of this double-dealing world with you. This great proverb states the rule of an easy and stress-free life: if you are honest and speak the truth, no matter how harmful its consequences can be, you live with the best policy of life instead of lying. You do not have fears of being caught lying or deceiving someone. Other than this, people will respect and trust you.

Honesty is the best policy.

First things first

Having order in life is essential; you have to start from smaller ones to catch the big fish. You can’t skip the learning phase or initiation steps to accomplish your goals. This English proverb is to remind our responsibilities and proper priorities. For example, if you are starving and working on a project, have dinner first because first things first.

First things first

Actions speak louder than words.

What someone has done speaks more volumes than what they say a lot. This great proverb has a meaning that comes from history or experience and gives a life lesson too. So to tell someone to be careful of specific people or ask them to do something significant other than just talking, you can use this proverb.

Actions speak louder than words.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

When you are in the worst situation, you can use this proverb and have only one choice or solution available. Also, ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ can be used in a situation when someone demands quality or quantity, even though they are getting things in charity or donations. Furthermore, some people use this proverb to mention someone’s ungratefulness.

Beggars can't be choosers.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

This proverb or saying is not on the Apple diet only. Yes, Apple is a source of consuming Vitamin C, but it is a healthy diet that keeps you fit and away from doctor visits. If you visit someone who gets ill more often because of a poor diet, then you can advise them by saying, ‘remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.’

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

People should quit the things that bother them. It can be anything, a job, an unpleasant event, or a person’s company. This phrase is used to tell them to stop doing things that they don’t want to do. And if they can’t, they should stop talking or complaining about it.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

There is an unpleasant feeling when you take a big bite that you cannot swallow or chew easily, same is the case when you agree on doing the work or projects you can’t handle. In simple words, this proverb is used to alert people that do not agree on doing the work you can’t accomplish easily or comfortably. For example, ‘I would like to suggest John that don’t bite off more than you can chew by accepting the project proposal without experience.’

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.

This famous phrase is the translation of the Japanese Proverb, which encourages people to get up and start again no matter how many times they fail or get knocked down. What is important is that you don’t give up. Because giving up is an absolute failure. Remember, the sky is the limit!

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

If you put all your resources into one thing, the chances of risk are high. This English proverb is used as advice to tell people not to depend on one single plan. Instead of this, they should diversify their wealth and have more than one job. Because if you rely on one plan only, you will be left with nothing if that fails. So, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, be wary!

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

What can’t be cured must be endured.

If something doesn’t need to be fixed, don’t. Why waste time to change something when you can’t change it? Live by it. Indeed, The world has changed a lot, but some problems or facts still can’t be changed or cured. There’s no other way. So instead of being a part of a long’ what if’ debate, use the ‘what can’t be cured, must be endured’ proverb.

What can't be cured must be endured.

It’s the tip of the iceberg.

This proverb is used to address the significant part of the problem that is hidden yet. Or you can say this is used to tell the small or minor part of the actual big problem. Just like an iceberg shows its small amount on the surface, and rest of it is hidden underwater. You can imagine the rest of the case or situation by just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

It's the tip of the iceberg.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

People sometimes expect a lot from the outcome of an idea of work or plan before even starting it, so this phrase is written for them. You can use this proverb as ‘Why are you throwing a job party without its confirmation? Please don’t count your chicken before they hatch.’ This witty phrase will surely make other people think of all the assumptions they have made.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

Some people like to cry about the things that have happened years ago, which can’t be changed. This proverb has the exact meaning that it is useless to cry or get upset over bad events or decisions that can never change. For example, ‘I know you have missed the opportunity but it is no use crying over spilt milk now, look for another job!’

It's no use crying over spilt milk.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

One of those English Proverbs that you can use without explaining the whole background or the feeling shows that you have realized the importance of something or someone when you can’t see them again. Like you can say, ‘I used to hate going out with friends, but now I miss the fun. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When someone compliments something that others don’t like or find appealing, you can use this proverb. It means that different people see beauty in different things from their point of view because everybody’s definition of beauty is unique. It is a beautiful phrase to use instead of saying thank you when someone compliments the way you look.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Curiosity killed the cat.

As curiosity means when you look for answers excitedly or eagerly, and sometimes it leads you to dangerous situations, just like cats, you must have seen them falling or getting trap or stuck up. That’s when you use this proverb to alert a human that stops being so curious because curiosity killed the cat.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.

It’s an old and witty proverb about life that means don’t worry about the things that have not happened yet, leave them on the time when they arise as some people have a habit of thinking about the things that might happen and worry about them in advance. So to stop others from pondering over the situation until it happens, you can use this English proverb.

Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.

First deserve, then desire.

‘First deserve, then desire’ is a great English proverb to acknowledge people that they should prove themselves worthy of certain fame or success before wishing for it. For example, if a person wants to be a successful web developer but does not learn or practice it enough to improve himself, you can apply this proverb.

First deserve, then desire.

Grasp all, lose all.

This English proverb is a warning for greedy people. Some people try to get too much of everything and end up losing it all, and this is a fact. This old proverb has examples of people how have lost everything because of their greed. Kids in their early ages have listened to stories of people with grasp all, lose all, moral lessons.

He who laughs last laughs best.

It is a witty phrase to use in your conversation as it will make the listeners think and learn from it. Its meaning is oriented and knows how to control a situation or people who give an image that they are losing, mostly wins, and their chances of success are more. You can use this proverb when you want to encourage others to be patient until the final results. Like, ‘his team started celebrating before the final results and we won, well, he who laughs last, laugh best.’

He who laughs last laughs best.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

We all have observed that a broken or a stopped clock tells the correct time twice a day. This proverb is to give people that wrong or unreliable people can be right sometimes with the information they give. Like, if your friend gives you a suggestion on something they have never done before and turns outright, then you can make use of this proverb.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

This proverb is another way of assuring other people that if they have helped me someday somewhere, then I’ll help you. Learn this English proverb and make use of it most often.

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Ignorance is bliss.

It’s being said that when you don’t know a thing, it can’t hurt you. This proverb has the same meaning: don’t worry if you are unaware of specific problems and how worst they can get. You can use this proverb as ‘I never keep up with the world’s bad news because ignorance is bliss.’

Ignorance is bliss.

The early bird catches the worm.

This proverb is another way of saying, show up early; otherwise, you will miss the best deals. The first-come, a first-serve policy is what we are talking about here. If you want to get the best, you need to arrive first to get the best option. For example, if you want to get the best clothes from a sale, you have to reach the store early. Otherwise, good products will finish, or the store will be empty. It is why birds are often seen flying for food early in the morning because they want the best.

The early bird catches the worm.

The cat is out of the bag.

When a surprise or a secret gets exposed or revealed, then you say, ‘the cat is out of the bag.’ It is an old expression to tell other people that things they were keeping secret are now exposed accidentally. You can also use this English proverb when someone is trying to be secretive even after being exposed, like, ‘come on John, the cat is out of the bag now, stop pretending like this.’

The cat is out of the bag.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

The war or a fight will never end if you keep responding to the other person or team with the same disloyalty, harmful acts, or bad attitude, just the way they do to you. Just because someone has done wrong with you, doing the same with them is not acceptable. Such behaviors do not solve the problem, that when you use this proverb, ‘two wrongs don’t make a right.’

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Have you ever visited Rome? Such a beautiful city. And obviously, it was not built in a day or short time. It is what this phrase is about. To emphasize that to get admirable results, you cannot expect it after day work. Remember, it takes years to make an empire. To be successful, you have to work for days, weeks, and years sometimes. You can use this English proverb as, ‘I have worked for years to get this fame, Rome was not built in a day.’

Rome wasn't built in a day.

You know the tree by its fruit.

You must have heard the saying,’ a man is known by the company he keeps.’ Similarly, this English proverb means you can judge a person’s character by their deeds and company. For instance, a teen from a company of smokers will be a smoker.

You know the tree by its fruit.

You made your bed, and now you have to lie in it.

It is one of those English proverbs used to tell someone that whatever has happened is the result of their deeds. You made your bed is used to emphasize that everyone knows how they like their bed before sleeping. You have to do this job on your own because you have to lie on it at the end of the day. For example, ‘Stop complaining about the workplace you chose by your own choice, you made your bed, now lie on it.’

You made your bed, and now you have to lie in it.

Shit or get off the pot.

Some people do not do anything productive but also talk about how their goals are not being achieved. And to advise such people, use a proverb or saying ‘shit or get off the pot,’ which means either do something that leads you towards your goals or step back; there’s no point in wasting time talking around. For example, ‘you are talking about working on the same idea from last week. Shit or get off the pot.’

Shit or get off the pot.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Quite an interesting English proverb to advise people or alert them about the consequences of their wrong action. For example, if a person is too sensitive to handle criticism, they should not criticize others. Give what you are willing to receive back. Some people have a habit of judging others on their faults which they have that’s why ‘people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’ is for them.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Never say die

You must have heard people saying, ‘never give up, ‘try again,’ or ‘keep trying.’ This English Proverb has the exact meaning; you can use this in your conversation as ‘never say die, Jane, you just need more practice to learn it.’

Never say die

Still waters run deep.

People who are quiet and calm are mostly considered more intellectual, having interesting or deep personalities. This English Proverb has used water to describe such thoughtful personalities. But water’s calmness is not always a good signal, and there might be a storm afterward. The same is the case with people, and not all quiet people are a safe place to go; they might cause you a problem or put you in trouble. So, you never know! For example, ‘He rarely give his opinions in the meeting, still waters run deep.’

Still waters run deep.

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

‘Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas’ means you become who you hang out with or spend time a lot. It is human nature that they acquire one and other habits, good or bad. To inform or advise someone about the bad company effects, you can use it as, ‘avoid hanging out with them all, don’t you know if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas?’

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Learn to walk before you run.

You can understand the meaning of this English Proverb from the real-life example; to learn how to walk or run, kids take baby steps first. And in life’s simple or complicated things, you have to do everything in the correct order. You will fail initially, but to excel in anything, you must learn the whole process and then start working. Being patient and following the roadmap is the key to success.

Learn to walk before you run.

Live and let live.

It is one of the famous English Proverbs about life. To make the world a better place, people should stop poking their noses in other’s business. Everybody has their way of doing things, and criticism of one’s act of deeds makes things worst. Be witty enough to use this Proverb in your conversations and also act according to its meaning. Accept things, don’t try to change people or anything, live and let live.

Live and let live

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Some people waste money a lot and the proverb ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ is for them. You have to work hard to earn money because you cannot simply regrow money from a plant or tree-like fruits or vegetables. Use this great proverb as, ‘to be financially responsible you need to learn Money doesn’t grow on trees, first.’

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Man proposes, but God disposes.

This English proverb states the fact that no matter how many plans a person made to spend his whole life, in the end, things turn out the way God wanted. Nobody can deny the supernatural power, i.e., God’s power which sometimes goes against human plans. But it’s also true where a man puts his efforts; God takes control of it too. Like, you can say, ‘we have given our best in the competition, lets see what the result will be. Well, man proposes, God disposes.’

Man proposes, but God disposes

The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

It’s human nature as he likes to do what he’s allowed to do. Primarily kids like to do the things they are asked not to do, and they find pleasure in it. That’s what it is being said; the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. For example, ‘He picked the career that his father has strictly stopped him from, because the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.’

The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

No news is good news.

Everybody likes to get good news, but there are times when bad things happen, but nobody is sure of the exact news. That’s when you say no news is good news. Even though you want to know what’s going around but still, knowing bad is better than knowing nothing. For example, ‘I believe no news is a good news, but still she should inform me about her early departure reason.’

No news is good news.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

If you don’t like to break eggs, then you can never make an omelet. Likewise, to get things done, you have to get out of your comfort zone, break some rules, or might offend some people. If you truly believe the results and outcomes it will bring, then give up the essential or useless things. The accomplishment of goals demands risks and unpleasant experiences. Use this witty English Proverb as, ‘just as you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs, you need to work very hard to get the engineering degree.’

You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Money talks

This English proverb emphasizes the power that money brings. Also, it influences people to get things done in their way. Instead of creating the whole scenario, you can say ‘money talks’ to make the other person understand the situation. For example, ‘he has his own ways of getting things done, money talks!’

Money talks

My hands are tied.

When you are helpless and can’t go out of the way to do something, then you can say, ‘my hands are tied.’ When such a situation happens, you can’t break the rules to get things done; otherwise, it can go against you. For example, sometimes, to sell your products, you have to lower the prices. It might not go as planned, but to finish the stock, you have to do so. Then you can tell your team that ‘my hands are tied, lower the prices and sell them all.’

My hands are tied.

Finally . . .

Learn these English Proverbs and their meanings, and use them in your conversations, and sound like a native speaker. Know that these are just a few proverbs, or you may call them the tip of the iceberg. Using Proverbs not only spice up the dialogues but also makes you sound witty. One must learn to walk before you run so, learn how to speak English first, and make your English speaking skills better. It will surely improve your quality of life.

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With over 3 years of experience in teaching, Chloe is very deeply connected with the topics that talk about the educational and general aspects of a student's life. Her writing has been very helpful for students to gain a better understanding of their academics and personal well-being. I’m also open to any suggestions that you might have! Please reach out to me at chloedaniel402 [at]