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Make Your Boring Subjects Interesting | 11 Proven Ways

Make Your Boring Subjects Interesting

Do you struggle to keep your eyes open while studying that one subject you dislike? Well, you’re not alone. In math, science, and history, everyone has different preferences. You may dislike Math, while your friend might love it from their core. But, what can you do if you cannot keep up with it and still have to pass exams?

There are multiple ways by which you can make boring subjects interesting. Although, a bit of focus and effort is required to make it work. 

Read on as we help you steer through this process easily.

What is Boredom? 

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about subjects making us lag behind is that they are boring. But what is boredom, and is it any good?

According to definitions, boredom is the inability to satisfy oneself in a certain activity due to a lack of interest and engagement. 

You get bored when you do not see any potential or good in what you are doing. Not all boredom is bad, though. According to Robert Greene, boredom is what keeps us alive and makes us strive to work consistently.

The boredom will go away once you enter the cycle. The panic disappears after repeated exposure. The frustration is a sign of progress – a signal that your mind is processing complexity and requires more practice. The insecurities will transform into their opposites when you gain mastery.

— Robert Greene

It’s all about your mindset...

Our everyday mundane routine is what makes us lethargic. 

We get up every morning, meet the same people, go to the same school, and watch the same things. It gets pretty boring doing the same thing over and over again. 

What drives this boredom?

Our mindset. The lack of a proper mindset is what pushes us to do the things we don’t want. It sucks out enthusiasm from our life, and we are forced to do things out of peer pressure. Let’s say your friend is enthusiastic about calculus, but you are not good at math. Out of peer pressure, you might take math as a subject, but no matter how hard you try to focus, you can’t. 

To properly function, you have to choose subjects that interest you. You can do that only after developing a proper mindset. 

And the best way to do it is to make a routine. 

Simply writing in a notebook about how great it is to be studying and how grateful you are for the opportunity will help you develop a mindset that will make the stuff you're studying lively and engaging.

It's true that not everyone has the same opportunities for learning that you do. A significant portion of the global population lacks access to books, schools, the Internet, and anything else that may be used to further their education. 

Be grateful for the opportunities you have.

Some Ways To Get More Interested In Your Subjects

Here is a list of some proven ways that can get you interested in your subjects quickly:

1. Determine the Cause

How can you work on anything without understanding the root of the issue? The following are some potential explanations for your disinterest in the topic:

  • Insufficient comprehension of the subject matter
  • You lack a proper method for studying
  • You don't feel that your teacher is teaching you as well as you would like
  • Perhaps you took a long break from your tedious subject
  • Start with the fundamentals

As we discussed before, lack of interest in and comprehension of the subject may be the primary cause. This suggests you may be lacking in the fundamentals. Practicing your fundamentals is one clever way to inspire interest in uninteresting subjects.  

For instance, you are likely to find organic chemistry boring in class 12 if you did not study it in-depth in class 11. Thus, you should get started on the fundamentals since this will enable you to make the dull subject engaging. 

2. Incorporate Fun Elements 

While you might not recall all of the science concepts or math formulas, you won't forget those timeless childhood jokes. Things that are funny and humorous make us feel wonderful and uplifted and that’s why we remember them vividly. 

Similar to how it is taught in schools, the mathematical operation sequence is taught to many students using the acronym BODMAS, which is easier to remember than memorizing the whole sequence. 

  • Include some comedy in your research to make it more engaging. 
  • Use the internet to obtain your content in a variety of formats. 
  • Make a topic more fascinating by presenting it in a unique way with the incorporation of fun elements. 
  • There is a lot of content present on the internet that can be utilized to add humor into your dull topics. 
  • Make anecdotes and use flashcards to remember those terms.

3. Modify Your Viewpoint

In this case, the adage "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" is accurate. When we view a subject incorrectly, we fail to see its beauty, which is why we find it dull. Consider your topic from a different angle and give it one more shot. 

Try out various teaching strategies. For example, you could decide to use some online learning facilities like home tutoring or online tutoring. 

Multiple teachers have different teaching methodologies and some can be really helpful for you to understand those dull topics. For instance, MTS provides multiple tutors that are subject experts from different countries. Hire a certified tutor, take trial lessons from those and choose one for yourself.

Finally, pick the approach that works best for you.

4. Make the Subject Engaging

According to stats, students read comic books more than novels. Why is that?

It is because visuals stick to our mind for longer time periods. You can follow the same approach when you’re studying. Infographics and images makes understanding complex things easier and they are better retained in our memory.

You can gather various infographics and images for subjects like geography, politics, history, and so on if you're getting ready for the general knowledge section of any competitive exam. 

5. Create a Questionnaire

Students have been shown to forget what they have learned, even when they read it for extended periods of time, with complete focus and attention. In this digital era, our minds have been working fast and the retention time of information has reduced a lot. 

You should make an effort to create brief, interesting questionnaires for the key issues in the respective subject areas. It will be enjoyable to find answers to the pertinent questions, and these surveys will also assist them in revising as quickly as possible.

6. Consider A Case Study For Dull Subjects 

Case studies are a useful tool for enlivening dull subjects by showing students how a topic is used in real life. So, rather than using the same old dull examples and rules, students should try a case study. 

They will provide information that is not possible to learn from study books. They help students understand the real world and acquaint them with its issues. Other than that, they sharpen the mind by allowing students to do problem-solving exercises and propose solutions using those case studies.

Interesting Information: How On-Demand Tutoring Supports Your Learning Goals?

7. Don’t Run Away

It's normal to want to avoid topics that bore you but resist the urge. Begin by confronting your concerns and transform the dull subjects into something engaging. Similar to biology, not everyone may be interested in studying the anatomy of plants, but you should still make an effort to learn about it.

You will be haunted by these subjects in competitive tests later on. Therefore, staying with boring subjects (even when you dont want to) is another clever way to pique interest in them. 

8. Create Notes with Color Coding

Taking notes during your studies can be quite beneficial in your long-term memory retention. It will be easier if you give subjects distinct color designations. To ensure that you remember the notes for a longer period, learn the subject from the ground up and then write notes. 

There are multiple online tools available to color code and make notes. Many iPad applications have made this tedious task easy. Use different color highlighters, for example,

  • Red for definitions
  • Yellow for tidbits
  • Blue for explanations
  • Pink for examples

9. Accept Assistance From Your Friends

Certain subjects that you think are uninteresting may pique your friends' curiosity. Thus, asking your friends for assistance and trying to see things from their point of view is another way to spark your interest in dull subjects. Join group study sessions with your friends and ask them what they find interesting in that topic

Though no one can replace the last-minute study sessions with your friends where they teach you more than you have learnt the whole year. 

Alternatively, you can approach your professors for assistance with the subject. If not, ask them questions, and don’t hesitate to show that you did not understand something. After 2-3 revisions, you may get there early.

10. Focus on Practical Applications

Studying is now more than just getting good grades; it goes beyond that. For instance, you should be aware that trigonometry has some practical uses, even if you find learning it to be quite uninteresting. 

More: Solve Trigonometry Functions Without a Calculator

Find out who needs trigonometry in real life, you will get to know various applications of it. Therefore, you may find the dull subject more engaging if you apply it to real-life concepts.

Although calculus may seem daunting at first, it is also important in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. Engineers use calculus to analyze and design systems involving motion, such as bridges, airplanes, and electrical circuits.

Exactly like that, there are many subjects that have important real-life applications which you can look up to.

11. Never Give Up 

Once you begin studying a dull subject, you need to make an effort to maintain motivation. It might desire to give up at times, but that won't be beneficial. Never lose confidence, and always assure yourself that you are capable of succeeding. There will undoubtedly be a positive outcome from it. 

Don't let anything distract you from your studies.


Making dry subjects interesting is a hard skill to master, but you have to because of exams! The first thing you need to do is opt for subjects that you are interested in and really feel about. The more you are passionate about your future goals, the more you’ll be able to make the right choice. 

Following the other discussed ways is a great way to upscale your reading and understanding skills in a specific subject. Take help from a certified tutor for better results!

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With over 3 years of experience in teaching, Chloe is very deeply connected with the topics that talk about the educational and general aspects of a student's life. Her writing has been very helpful for students to gain a better understanding of their academics and personal well-being. I’m also open to any suggestions that you might have! Please reach out to me at chloedaniel402 [at]