Tutors in Dubai

Finding private and home tutors of all curriculums in Dubai and any other city of the UAE is easier and more convenient now with My Tutor Source. We have hired the best tutors in Dubai, and you can check out their profiles to know about their academic background, experience, teaching strategies, and former students’ success. Private or home tutors are the best way to understand individual needs and help them in growth.  Let our tutoring platform help you get the best learning experience in Dubai.

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Isabella Johnson
Isabella Johnson
Female 50 Years
28 years of teaching
Expert in Spanish, Dept : Dept of Spanish.
Qualification : PhD in Spanish Linguistics

PhD in Spanish Linguistics


I've taught Spanish for 30 years, and during this time, I've seen many changes in the language. My lessons go beyond just the basics. I explore the sounds of Spanish and how sentences are put together. I've been lucky to teach students from many different places, and every student brings their own unique excitement. Together, we make learning Spanish interesting and interactive.

Tutoring Approach

For me, speaking is a vital part of learning a language. That's why I encourage students to talk in Spanish from day one. Even if they make mistakes, it's okay. The goal is to practice and get better. Over the years, this way of teaching has helped many students become more confident and skilled in speaking Spanish.


Taking Ms. Johnson's class was one of the best decisions I made. Every lesson was related to Spanish, its history, and its culture. Her teaching methods, especially the inclusion of modern Spanish music and films, made the learning experience rich and relatable.


Isabella's vast knowledge and passion for the Spanish language are evident in every class. The way she breaks down complex linguistic structures and relates them to our everyday use of language is nothing short of brilliant. I came out of her class with a much deeper appreciation and understanding of Spanish.


I enjoyed Ms. Johnson's lectures truly. Her passion for linguistics shines through. However, I sometimes felt overwhelmed with the depth we went into. Nonetheless, her support outside of class hours was commendable.

Lucas Lee
Lucas Lee
Male 54 Years
28 years of teaching
Expert in French, Dept : Dept of French.
Qualification : Master's in French Literature

Master's in French Literature


In my near three-decade teaching journey, I've engaged with students from all walks of life. This lengthy tenure allowed me to watch the transformation in the learning methods and adapt accordingly. From traditional textbook methods to more interactive and digital means, my teachings evolved to serve my students better. I've had the privilege to both start with beginners and polish those near-fluency, providing insights on not just the language but the rich tapestry of French culture and history.

Tutoring Approach

Learning a language, especially French, is not just about memorizing verbs and phrases; it's a journey into another world. That's why I incorporate French cinema, music, and art elements into my lessons. This gives students a more rounded understanding of what it means to speak and live the language. By showing students the real-life application and beauty of the language, they often find themselves more motivated and excited to learn.


Lucas has an incredible talent for making you feel like you're in France, even when you're just in the classroom. Every lesson feels like a mini-adventure.


I appreciate his holistic approach to teaching French. It's not just a language; it's a way of life, and Lucas encapsulates that perfectly.


His classes are good. But, sometimes, I feel we sidetrack from the main curriculum too much.

Saeed Al-Majid
Saeed Al-Majid
Male 51 Years
28 years of teaching
Expert in Religious-studies, Dept : Dept of Religious Studies.
Qualification : Doctorate in Religious Studies

Doctorate in Religious Studies


In my almost 30 years of teaching, I have had a strong admiration for the Abrahamic traditions. I have devoted my life to learning and teaching about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Over time, I have seen young people struggle with, value, and often feel a strong connection to these old teachings. I have visited Jerusalem, Rome, and Mecca, which has helped me understand them better. Now, I can share my personal experiences of these holy places with my students.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring approach is to help students understand the similarities and shared beliefs of the Abrahamic faiths. In my classes, we often have discussions, presentations, and debates where everyone participates. I use different types of media to make historical events more interesting. Sometimes, I invite people from different religions to talk about their own experiences and viewpoints. By the end of the course, I want students to understand these religions well and also to appreciate their depth, beauty, and how they are connected to each other.


Mr. Saeed's knowledge and passion for the Abrahamic religions are evident in every class. He doesn't just teach; he inspires.


You couldn't ask for a better instructor than Saeed. His pronunciation lessons are rigorous and will help you become a better English speaker. The first exam is over and he takes it very seriously and provides constructive feedback even though it was a more casual test. I look forward to continuing my training with him and hope the best for him in the future.

James Williams
James Williams
Male 54 Years
28 years of teaching
Expert in Science, Dept : Dept Of Science.
Qualification : PhD in Physics from Imperial College London

PhD in Physics from Imperial College London


I earned my PhD in Physics from Imperial College London and have been teaching science, mainly Physics, for 28 years. Most of my teaching has been for the GCSE curriculum. Over the years, I've taught in different schools and met many students. I always try to make Physics easier to understand by using real-life examples. I've seen many of my students grow in confidence and skill. Some of them have even gone on to study science in top universities. I believe in making science lessons clear, engaging, and relevant for everyone.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching philosophy is rooted in connecting classroom science with real-world phenomena. I believe that students retain information best when they can relate it to something they've experienced. So, I frequently incorporate current events or familiar examples into our discussions. Quizzes are more than just tests; I use them as learning tools to identify areas for further exploration. By focusing on practical applications of scientific principles, I aim to help students see the broader implications of what they're learning and to develop a genuine interest in the world of science.


Mr. Williams really knows his stuff, and I admire his dedication. However, occasionally I wish we could have more group discussions rather than just lectures. It helps with understanding the topic from different perspectives.


James is very knowledgeable, and I've learned a lot from him. Sometimes, though, the lessons can become a bit monotonous. I believe a few interactive activities here and there could liven things up.

Erik Svensson
Erik Svensson
Male 50 Years
28 years of teaching
Expert in English, Dept : Dept Of English.
Qualification : BA in English Literature, Advanced TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certification

BA in English Literature, Advanced TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certification


I started teaching English to high school students in Sweden in the 1990s in regular classrooms. My goal was to make English easier for them to understand. After that, I took my knowledge to universities and taught English language and worked on developing courses. In the past ten years, I've expanded my horizons by teaching students from over 40 countries online. Each of these students has brought their own culture differences and language difficulties.

Tutoring Approach

Every student has a different reason for learning English, and I prioritize understanding that reason. We focus on what you want to achieve. If you're travelling, we'll improve the conversational English; if it's for work, we'll explore professional jargon and etiquette. By grounding our lessons in practicality, I ensure students can directly apply what they learn and feel the progress in their day-to-day lives.


Erik's teaching style is refreshing. Instead of getting bogged down in rules, we discuss, debate, and converse. I've never been more confident in my English.


His extensive experience shows in the lessons. Just wish there was a bit more focus on writing exercises.

Warren Burns
Warren Burns
Male 52 Years
27 years of teaching
Expert in Biology, Dept : Dept Of Biology.
Qualification : PhD in Cellular Biology

PhD in Cellular Biology


Hello! I am Dr. Warren Burns, and when it comes to mastering biology and acing entrance exams, consider me your secret weapon. With a Ph.D. in Cellular Biology and teaching experience, I can teach any biology topic. When I’m not busy shaping the future of young biologists, I am a cyclist and a volunteer at a local conservation organisation. This is where I incorporate my love for life sciences into positive impacts on our environment. I’ve gone through tough academia myself, so I’m more than a tutor. I'm a mentor who knows the tricks needed to succeed at the highest levels.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring approach is about helping students understand the concept and tell them the exact key points to ace the exam. In my view, A-levels play a very important role in shaping your career. Hence, I make sure my students score high, so they have an open choice of the university and degree they want to select. Therefore, I prefer to stay focused on the content. Additionally, I use "Concept Clarification Carousel", a dialogue-based technique in which we dive into each topic, until it's crystal clear. I provide constructive, focused feedback. Another method I use is 'Power of Precision', where we edit your responses to be impactful, mirroring the quality that examiners are searching for.Are you ready to excel? Let’s start!


A fantastic tutor who has a real knack for making topics understandable. I look forward to biology sessions every week. He has such a great personality, punctuality, and every other good quality that will get an A-level student score a shining A. Not only will Warren answer any question you have about biology, he will also provide you some extra knowledge. Overall, Warren is a top-tier tutor! I couldn't have asked for more!


Dr. Burns is a great tutor, but sessions often run over time, which sometimes conflicts with my schedule.


Not only does this tutor know biology inside out, but he also knows how to connect with students on a personal level. It's clear he genuinely cares about students' success.

Sandrine Rousseau
Sandrine Rousseau
Female 49 Years
27 years of teaching
Expert in Statistics, Dept : Dept Of Math.
Qualification : Master's in Statistical Science

Master's in Statistical Science


After completing my Master's in Statistical Science, I started working in academic research. I helped decode complex datasets and made significant breakthroughs. After seven successful years in research, I decided to start teaching because I realized the importance of helping students understand the constantly changing world of data.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching philosophy is rooted in the idea that statistics is more about intuition than raw numbers. When I tutor, I explain complex terms in simpler words so that students can understand the topic better. I often use visual aids like graphs and charts because they are easier to understand than just numbers.

Raj S

Learning from Sandrine has made a big difference in my life. She explained things clearly and gave practical examples that made difficult topics easier to understand. Because of her, I now find statistics more interesting

Eleanor T.

I had difficulty with statistics until I met Sandrine. I really connected with her patient and methodical way of teaching. She is good at making statistics interesting.

Ben H.

Sandarine’s methods are not structured. She is also not that flexible with her ways of teaching. I had trouble with some of her lessons, I hope she improves her ways.

Abdul Kader Baddour
Abdul Kader Baddour
Male 52 Years
27 years of teaching
Expert in Math, Dept : Dept Of Maths.
Qualification : B.Sc. Mathematics and Informatics

B.Sc. Mathematics and Informatics


During my high-school days, I worked as an assistant for my math teacher. Since then, the idea of becoming a tutor has been deeply rooted in my heart. My passion for teaching math to the math-lovers inspired me to become a tutor, so I could connect with worldwide students and teach them math concepts. In my 27 years of tutoring experience, I’ve taught more than 900 students studying different math curricula. Now, I’m proud to say that I can tutor almost all levels of students.

Tutoring Approach

I tutor math with unique activities. I use digital pens and boards to explain the steps of solving equations and questions in detail. I also use the Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) approach in order to encourage my students to use different materials/objects for exploring abstract concepts.


He is patient, talented, humble and very amazing! I really enjoyed his sessions and practiced enough problems during the class to pass my final exams.


Abdul is really helpful. He is tutoring me in Java and we’ve worked through a number of questions and were able to solve them easily.

Hunter Boucher
Hunter Boucher
Male 52 Years
27 years of teaching
Expert in Italian, Dept : Dept Of Italian.
Qualification : PhD in Italian Literature and Culture

PhD in Italian Literature and Culture


I began my studies in Florence and was fascinated by the rich Italian literature and culture. I was inspired by the difficult stories of writers like Dante and Calvino, which motivated me to study Italian Literature and Culture. As a result, I earned a PhD in this field. I have spent almost 30 years teaching and sharing the beauty and depth of the Italian language with students.I have written many articles and research papers about different periods of Italian literature. These writings give readers a look into how Italy's culture has changed over time.

Tutoring Approach

When I teach Italian, I focus on how language and literature are connected. Most tutors usually teach conversational Italian, but I think that reading, discussing, and analyzing classic and contemporary Italian works can give us a better understanding of the language's depth and beauty.In my classes, students will learn to speak fluently and also study famous Italian literature. To truly understand a language, it's important to consider the context and emotions behind the words.


Mr. Boucher's lessons are a delightful fusion of language and literature. The deep dives into Dante's works have given me an appreciation for Italian beyond just communication.


Hunter is a great teacher! He always brings a happy, positive vibe to his lessons, and it's clear that he wants to help you get the best results by working with your unique learning style. Even though his lessons are planned out and move quickly, he always finds time for funny stories or interesting facts about Italy. Working with him not only helps you learn the language well, but it also helps you build a great relationship. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to take lessons of Italian!


Being a literature enthusiast, Hunter's method of mixing language with literature has been both educational and fascinating. It's a unique approach that I wholeheartedly recommend.

Freya Evans
Freya Evans
Female 49 Years
27 years of teaching
Expert in Spanish, Dept : Dept of Spanish.
Qualification : PhD in Spanish Linguistics

PhD in Spanish Linguistics


For almost three decades, I've been involved with teaching Spanish to students. From its rich phonetics to the difficult semantics, I've invested my time and energy to fully understand it. My years of research took me across Latin America and Spain, where I learned regional dialects, local customs, and traditional festivities. Through these journeys, I've collected anecdotes and tales that I incorporate into my lectures, making each lesson a unique storytelling session.

Tutoring Approach

In my view, language can't be boxed into textbooks; it's living and ever-evolving. In my classes, students don't just study Spanish; they live it. Alongside grammar and vocabulary, I emphasize listening to authentic Spanish audio clips, deciphering regional accents, and engaging in role-plays that mirror real-life conversations. By the end of my course, my aim is for students to be not just linguistically proficient but culturally aware, ready to engage with native speakers on their terms.


Studying with Dr. Evans is like receiving a passport to the Spanish-speaking world. Every lesson takes us on an adventure, from the cobblestone streets of Seville to the bustling markets of Mexico City. It's more than just learning a language; it's experiencing a culture


One of the highlights of Dr. Evans' class is the way she seamlessly incorporates authentic sounds and sights from her travels. Every audio clip or story adds another layer to our understanding. I just wish there were more opportunities for us to express ourselves in writing. A few more assignments would be perfect.


Her depth of knowledge is unparalleled. The way she explains linguistics concepts is straightforward and clear.

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