GCSE History Tutors

GCSE History tutoring is a service where a tutor provides one-on-one help to students studying for their GCSE History exams. Tutors can assist students in understanding key concepts, answering questions, giving practice exams to improve familiarity with exam questions, and providing tips on how to study more effectively. Students get their GCSE Certificates at the end of the GCSE curriculum, passing tests in each subject they have studied. Tutors are experienced in teaching history, have a good understanding of the GCSE History syllabus, and can tailor their lessons to the student's needs, giving them the best chance of achieving high marks in their final exams.

Let Us Find the Best Tutor for You

Logan Robinson
Logan Robinson
Male 57 Years
32 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : PhD in Colonial History

PhD in Colonial History


For more than 30 years, I have focused my academic and teaching work on the time when colonialism happened and how it changed things. I started teaching in Manchester and became known for my engaging lesson plans that showed how colonial pursuits affected the world. I have also spent many summers leading student groups on educational trips to historical colonial sites in Asia and Africa. This practical approach has greatly helped students by giving them real-life experience and understanding.

Tutoring Approach

Colonial history is not just black and white, it has many different perspectives. I want to show students different perspectives. I use lectures, readings, and discussions to help students understand the big picture and the individual stories that influenced this period.To provide clarity and coherence, we'll lay out a chronological framework. This will help you see the broader picture, understanding events and the sequence in which they occurred and how they interrelate.


Logan was a great tutor to me when I wanted to increase my proficiency with History. He made a lot of effort into keeping me motivated and making the most of our classes because she was so engaging. He took great effort to carefully plan out his lessons and customize them as much as he could to my learning style, which I believe was a major contributing reason to how much I was able to learn. He was quite educated about the issue and always very professional and friendly. Really, I couldn't recommend him more as a tutor. As I did, I'm confident that any students would discover in him someone who is dedicated to teaching and who works hard to make sure that his her lessons are as valuable as possible.


My daughter has been receiving instruction from Logan for some time. A superb and competent GCSE history tutor, Logan. who has assisted in enhancing my daughter's GCSE history knowledge and is currently assisting her in preparing for her upcoming history tests. Anyone looking for a GCSE History tutor should choose him because he is a dependable teacher. Additionally, he is very fun and uses effective teaching methods.


Debating colonial policies from both the colonizer and colonized perspective was challenging but very enlightening.

Riley Clark
Riley Clark
Male 39 Years
15 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : M.A. in Modern World History

M.A. in Modern World History


I have been teaching for 15 years and I have seen how much young people are interested in learning about important events from our recent history. I started teaching in Glasgow. I organised interactive sessions to explore important events from the 20th century. Also, working with war veterans and survivors of important historical events gave my students personal stories and lessons that they couldn't find in a textbook.

Tutoring Approach

The history of the modern world is filled with events that have a direct impact on today's society and politics. I want to connect the past and present, helping students see that history is more than just dates and events. It can help us understand the world we live in today. I want to make lessons interesting and easy to understand by using videos, documentaries, and stories from people who experienced it firsthand.I include group discussions in my sessions. Students are encouraged to talk and argue about why major events like the World Wars, the Cold War, and important civil rights movements happened and what happened as a result. If you're studying for exams, we want to make sure you understand how events are connected, how to analyse them critically, and how to give comprehensive answers.


Riley is an excellent teacher! He is very approachable and enjoys customizing lessons for each student. He creates excellent assignments that are interesting and fun. He is approachable and adaptable, and I'm so glad I found him! I'm hoping Riley will someday teach my younger son as well. My son enjoys History more now and looks forward to his lessons. I appreciate your help so far, Riley, and I look forward to your helping my son with his GCSEs and then my younger son after that.


His classes are information-packed, but I sometimes found it hard to keep up with the numerous resources provided.


Fantastic teacher. My son really connected with this tutor. He was interesting to him, and he made the lesson enjoyable for him. My son thought he had provided him with excellent advice regarding exam technique. We are incredibly happy and appreciative to have found this tutor.

Taylor Morris
Taylor Morris
Male 37 Years
14 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : M.A. in Renaissance History

M.A. in Renaissance History


I have worked in education for 14 years and have always been fascinated by the Renaissance period. I started my career in Southampton and focused on combining art, literature, and history to help students understand this time period from different angles. We used a new way of teaching that involved workshops. In these workshops, students would make art from the Renaissance period and learn about the social and political situations of that time. I have written articles for journals and magazines about lesser-known figures from the Renaissance.

Tutoring Approach

The Renaissance was not only about bringing back art and literature, but it also changed the way people thought and valued things in society. I believe in taking a comprehensive approach to fully understand something. Every lesson usually begins with a work of art or literature. We learn about its history, why the artist created it, and how it affected society.Engagement is important. I often include hands-on projects in my lessons, like making artwork inspired by the Renaissance or writing sonnets. If you're worried about exams, our sessions focus on learning about different cultures, important people from the past, and how they still affect our world today.


We were looking for organized, well-structured GCSE History lessons. This is what we received right away after the first lesson. The lesson was planned out in advance, and we are sure Taylor makes the most of his students during class. He also assigns homework to make sure the lesson is retained. We anticipate taking additional lessons.


I always looked forward to his lessons. Just wished we explored more about the scientific advancements of the era.


Taylor did a great job. We planned to have the lesson online. He provided tutoring in history, going over assignments, and offering excellent advice on how to get better in both subjects. He was very understanding and patient. Without a doubt, I'd suggest him.

Eden Kelly
Eden Kelly
Female 28 Years
6 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : MA in British History

MA in British History


I am a full-time tutor, specializing in politics, history and philosophy. I have helped over 200 GCSE students. My specialties include modern British political and economic history with regard to 'high' British Politics. I can also expertly draft course work on various themes.

Tutoring Approach

The key to successful exam technique is repetition and understanding of cause and effect in world history. My tutoring style enables a mutual understanding depending on the student's interests and study style. I include discussion of potential answers to exam-style questions in my sessions with a mixture of past questions. At the end of the session, i offer constructive feedback.


Eden is an excellent tutor who really gave me a boost in my last class exam and managed to get my history grade from C to an A .


In lessons, she was able to give deep explanations on historical concepts. Her knowledge of the subject including relevant contextual information is excellent. Overall, her guidance has been helpful.


I think her homework tasks could be improved but there’s no denying that she knows what she teaches.

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