History Tutors

Just a little extra help can fill your bucket score with “As”! Gone are the days when students had to cover hours of distance to reach their tutor. MTS has made hiring expert history tutors just a few clicks simpler. We’ve gathered the best history tutors from the different corners of the world, so you can excel in your professional life no matter wherever you’re located. Our tutors have years of experience in tutoring different history-related subjects, i.e.,  International Relations,  Comparative Ethnicity and Nationalism, Comparative Colonialism, etc.

Let Us Find the Best Tutor for You

Mayank Yadav
Mayank Yadav
Male 26 Years
2 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : B.Tech



I am a History tutor with 2 years of experience. I have been teaching to GCSE curriculum.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring approach is rooted in practical experience. I aim to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications.

Zainab Saleem
Zainab Saleem
Female 26 Years
2 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Dept of History.
Qualification : Null



For 2 years, I have been teaching history school and college students.

Tutoring Approach

I will give a recap of the previous chapter before starting the next one. I also ask questions from the previous chapter to know how far the students remember the history dates.

Masekhabi Mahase
Masekhabi Mahase
Female 33 Years
2 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Null.
Qualification : Bachelor's Degree in History

Bachelor's Degree in History


I have two years of teaching experience, and my skills in curriculum development and patience make me an exceptional teacher. I have helped my students succeed and create opportunities to grow both academically and socially. I have assisted students with conversational, travel, academic, as well as English for kids.

Tutoring Approach

My classes are fun, nurturing, and student-centered, allowing my students to learn how to communicate effectively. I employ communicative language teaching methods so that my students can practice speaking the English language.

Ayesha Waqas
Ayesha Waqas
Female 30 Years
1 years of teaching
Expert in History, Dept : Null.
Qualification : F.sc



Asalamualaikum, I'm Ayesha. I completed my intermediate education at Punjab College, Pakistan. For the past two years, I've been teaching in Abu Dhabi.

Tutoring Approach

I believe in teaching my students in a friendly manner to facilitate quick and easy learning. Creating a joyful environment for discussing lessons not only enhances their speaking abilities but also improves their problem-solving skills. Join me, and allow me to assist you in your studies.

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